Transaction ID | Send-a443fb |
HTML Block | Airdrop Love Coin |
NAME | Wiggles |
ID | 1 |
role | administrator | | |
My Tokens | 111,111 |
My Tokens Fixer | 111,111 |
Friend Tokens | 99,995 |
freind Tokens Fixer | 99,995 |
total | 211,106 |
Number | 1 |
Number2 | 2 |
Minus Friend | -99,995 |
Minus Self | -11,116 |
MY LC UPDATE | 99,995 |
Minus Self Fixer | -11,116 |
Love Coin Airdrop | 111,111 |
Send to who? | Love Citizen ID |
Love Recipient (Love Citizen ID) | love-citizen-0 |
THEIR LC BALANCE | 111,111 |
THEIR LC UPDATE | 222,222 |
HTML Block | User Not Found, Please try again |
HTML Block | Send 111,111 Love Coin to Wiggles (This may be an alias) |
their NAME | Wiggles |
their email | |
TTHERE Email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
their LUSER Squared | LOVE-CITIZEN-0 |
their email Squared | {:3} |
their user id | 1 |
their Role | administrator |
their Name squared | Wiggles |
their id squared | 1 |
User found 1 or 2 | 2 |
Transaction Fee Percent | 0.001 |
Transaction Fee | 111.111 |
Available spend with fees | 210,994.89 |
welcome message | Send tokens to your friends easy as cake! |
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